Um blog objetivo que concentra opiniões, idéias e noticias de diversos temas sem esquecer-se do humor.

Onde estão os engenheiros e muitos outros profissionais ? - キャリア

| 25 novembro, 2008
Brazil Under Water
Over the past two weeks, southern Brazil has been hit with serious rainstorms, causing the most damage in Santa Catarina state. Last week, rainstorms in Rio de Janeiro caused flooding and chaos on the roadways. But the most serious problem is in the interior of Santa Catarina, where around 60 people have died in floods and landslides. Over 43,000 were forced to leave their homes, and are now living with relatives and in public shelters. About 160,000 people throughout the state are without electricity.

The worst hit city is Blumenau, a low-lying town founded by German immigrants that has suffered from floods in the past. The death toll was highest there, after thirteen people died in landslides. The city’s mayor João Paulo Kleinübing declared a state of emergency and has requested medicine and food for the area’s public shelters. Roads and highways crumbled, and gas pipelines from Bolivia were temporarily shut off.

Um comentário:

Antonio disse...

Bom toda essa matéria eu recebi de um amigo pedindo para eu postar no blog. Ele comentou que fugiu um pouco do assunto que é consultoria etc, porém deixou uma questão para que vocês pensem.
O que será de um profissional daqui pra frente sem condição alguma de entender um simples texto em inglês?
Boa questão abordada por ele, pensem pessoal!
Boa Noite.

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